EvolutionCBD is more than just a store for CBD infused products. Above all else, we want to ensure that you are better equipped to deal with the stress in your life.
That's why our dedicated team has taken time to research various methods & techniques to help manage stress which you can explore below.
What works for your best friend or next door neighbour wont necessarily be effective for you, so we suggesting giving everything a go and seeing what works best for you.
We hope to add to these resources in the future as we continue to carry out our research- the mission never ends!
If you want to share some stress management techniques which you have found useful with the rest of our community, please feel free to reach out to us by email or phone (our contact details are at the bottom of the page)
Yoga is widely regarded as an effective way to improve muscle strength - but also benefits your respiration system and provides you with more energy.
As part of Yoga you will also learn how to control your breath, clear your mind, and relax your body.
Our yoga partner has provided some videos to get you started and guide you as you perform some common yoga poses.
Breathing exercises can reduce stress by increasing oxygen exchange, which reduces your blood pressure, slows the heart, and releases any tension held in the abdomen.
These physical changes also benefit your mental state - concentrating on your breath can bring you into the present, in a state of mindfulness.
Our breathing instructor partner has provided breathing exercises to help you master this stress relief technique.